ehxz 发表于 2022-2-5 15:49:49

PB2021Installing PowerBuilder demo applications and database

The PowerBuilder demo applications and database are installed by default, unless you de-selected the PowerBuilder Tutorial, Demo Database, and Code Examples components during installation.If the PowerBuilder demo applications and database are not installed during the PowerBuilder installation process, you can manually download the demo app source code and database from the Appeon website later: Example App, Example Graph App, Example Sales App and the SQL Anywhere database or PostgreSQL database file.But before you can successfully run the downloaded demo application, you will need to set up an ODBC data source to connect with the demo database.To set up the ODBC data source with the SQL Anywhere demo database,
[*]Install SQL Anywhere 17.
[*]Create the ODBC data source that includes the following settings.Data Source Name: PB Demo DB V2021User ID: dbaPassword: sqlAction: Start and connect to a database on this computerDatabase file: Database name: pbdemo2021Server name: PBDemoDB2021Start line:

To set up the ODBC data source with the PostgreSQL demo database,
[*]Install PostgreSQL 12 and PostgreSQL ODBC driver (32-bit).Make sure the Command Line Tools component is selected during the PostgreSQL 12 installation.
[*]Restore the PostgreSQL demo database file. For example,"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin\pg_restore" --host= --port=5432 --username="postgres" --clean --if-exists --dbname=PBDemo --verbose "C:\DB\pbpostgres2021.dmp"
[*]Create the ODBC data source that includes the following settings.Data Source: PB Postgres V2021Database: PBDemoServer: Username: Port: Password:


(出处: SAP SYBASE论坛中文社区技术服务)

aloneinchina 发表于 2022-2-7 10:48:36

谢谢分享 :victory::victory::victory::handshake:handshake:handshake
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