xucxi 发表于 2006-12-28 21:08:31


是这样的,我有一个程序需要调用拥有libct.dll那个文件夹的几个动态库,当时写程序的人调用的是库文件是12.5的某一个版本,据我回忆好像安装画面不是用Java写的,现在我重新下载了java写的sybase12.5版本,还有几个新版本12.5.2, 15等,按道理将它的动态链接库应该向后兼容才对,但我现在这个程序一调用它的库就提示调用出错(可以排除是程序错误),我机子上只保留有一个以前留下的libct.dll,用它覆盖后调用libct.dll就不错了,但还是缺少其它几个动态库。以前没用过sybase,我只想知道12.5一共有几个版本?谢谢

flybean 发表于 2007-1-4 16:24:30

12.5.0-&gt;;12.5.1-&gt;12.5.2-&gt;12.5.3-&gt;12.5.4<br/>                                                                    -&gt;12.5.3a<br/>

ehxz 发表于 2006-12-30 08:19:44


scs8105 发表于 2007-1-5 10:59:21

Upon installing the Sybase 15 client, there is a batch file for creating the missing/needed dll’s. The location of the batch file is:<br/><br/>\sybase15\OCS-15_0\scripts<br/><br/>The scripts folder contains 2 files. One is a readme and the other is the batch file (copylibs.bat). The README file is for the SDK/Open Server scripts. <br/><br/>The Copylibs.bat file is necessary because as of SDK 15.0 and Open Server 15.0, Sybase library names have changed from <b>lib</b> to <b>libsyb</b> to avoid name clashes with other libraries.<br/><br/>To allow pre-15.0 applications to continue to work with the renamed shared libraries, this script is provided to copy the new library names to the old ones in %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS%\dll.<br/><br/><u>Usage of the script:</u><br/><br/>copylibs.bat { create / remove }<br/><br/>where 'create' copies the old-named files in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/dll and 'remove' can be used to delete these files again.

guilber 发表于 2007-3-22 09:29:35

<p>This is the README file for the SDK/Open Server scripts.</p><p>This directory contains the following script(s):</p><p>copylibs.bat:<br/>&nbsp;As of SDK 15.0 and Open Server 15.0, Sybase library names have<br/>&nbsp;changed from lib&lt;name&gt; to libsyb&lt;name&gt; to avoid name clashes<br/>&nbsp;with other libraries.</p><p>&nbsp;To allow pre-15.0 applications to continue to work with the<br/>&nbsp;renamed shared libraries, this script is provided to copy the<br/>&nbsp;new library names to the old ones in %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS%\dll.</p><p>&nbsp;Usage of the script:</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; copylibs.bat { create / remove }</p><p>&nbsp;where 'create' copies the old-named files in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/dll<br/>&nbsp;and 'remove' can be used to delete these files again.<br/></p>

Jcat 发表于 2008-6-30 14:04:48

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查看完整版本: 一个sybase动态库的问题,关于libct.dll


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